Year 7 Assessment Descriptors
In Year 7, students’ achievement is reported twice per year (at the mid-point and end-point of the academic year). We report the results of these assessments on a 5-point scale: grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, grade 4 and grade 4+. A grade 4+ is the highest grade on this 5-point scale. In Year 8 we will introduce grades 5 and 5+ and in Year 9 we will introduce grades 6 and 6+.
In Key Stage 3, teaching staff will assess students against grade descriptors. Teaching staff refer to these during lessons, within feedback and through assessed tasks. These descriptors can be accessed using the menu on the left-hand side of this page. These descriptors enable you to identify your child’s strengths in each subject area as well as any areas for development that may be required to secure further achievement.
Please note that our current assessment system was introduced in July 2021. We will continue to update this page with additional descriptors for the remaining year groups.